1966 was a very good year: England won the World Cup and the Rustington Residents association was formed.
The association plays an important part of village life, checking planning applications, dealing with traffic and policing issues and campaigning for improvements to the village and its amenities.
Rustington Residents Association celebrates the past and looks forward to the future, working alongside the district and parish councils and keeping members informed through our on-line newsletter
The association holds bi-monthly open meetings, where you can enjoy an afternoon of live entertainment with interesting speakers, fabulous singers or a music quiz, always with a raffle and tea or coffee. Committee members will also be on hand if you would like to talk to them.
Open meetings are held on Saturdays at the Methodist Church hall Claigmar Road Rustington from 2pm till 4pm
We organise two excursions a year, details will be published in our on-line newsletter and posters will be put around the village as well.
Life membership costs just £10 per household.
For more information please contact Membership Secretary Val Daly email: valdaly@btinternet.com
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